
Peeristics Integration Hub

Combine resources from everywhere


Peeristics Integration - Combining Resources

Peeristics Core was developed from the ground up to capture and analyze granular information on resource usage patterns and to attribute materials and methodologies to student success.

Integration information from anywhere

Collect multi-media resources from across the Web, LMS platforms and repositories.

Search sources from anywhere, including often-used applications like Google Drive, Pinterest, OneNote, OneDrive and DropBox, educational applications, connected repositories, and learning management systems. Peeristics Core customizes the results and the data points that comes from the results, such as names of folders, names of lessons or tags. 

Peeristics embraces a long-term strategy of integrating the best applications and platforms into a flexible framework that focuses on teaching and learning with resources that best suit your needs, not your LMS. 

Peeristics Core doesn’t replace your existing investments. Instead, it integrates with the content, technology, materials and processes you have in place, while adding easy ways to organize and find resources, produce insightful analytics and enable alignment to curriculum standards. The Internet is a never-ending library of digital resources, apps and games, but learning content often exists in disparate places, making it difficult to find and use effectively. Peeristics can search sources from educational applications, connected repositories, learning management systems or anywhere on the web and bring this content together in a unified Learning Block.

Peeristics adds contextual metadata, which facilitates sharing and collaboration, and provides valuable insights into how resources are used in the classroom. This information can be used for critical decisions by ministries and school boards, and helps educators understand what materials work best for their students.


Attribution Focused Analytics

Attribute learning results to the use of specific teaching practices, resources, and learning technologies.

The importance of data analytics for evidence-based decision making has never been more clear, but simply having data is not enough. The kind of data we collect, what we do with that data, and when, determines the evolution of our education programs.

Peeristics moves beyond traditional data collection and focuses on active attribution. By tracing granular data on education resources and user interactions, Peeristics provides in-the-moment understanding of how resources are assembled, the contexts in which they are used, and how they contribute to learning success. This allows teachers to understand what works for their students, and supports jurisdictions in the development of educational policy by tying together standards, resources, and measured outcomes.