Create and distribute educational content to teachers.
Traditional education repositories focus on storing and sorting long lists of single purpose resources. As jurisdictions publish detailed curriculum and resources, these materials get stored in the repository as large documents and it is up to the user to locate the information they need. This means that information is often overlooked, difficult to find, or difficult to bring together.
Peeristics provides a technical approach to dissecting large curriculum to identify and manage resources on a granular level. Curriculum and learning resources are analyzed, tagged, and disseminated as micro-blocks of information. Peeristics then combines related multi-media resources—texts, spreadsheets, images, videos, quizzes—into a unified Learning Block. Once a resource is attached to a Learning Block, this single upload is referenced by all future Learning Blocks that use the content, and is accessible to all users across the network: from course creation to the classroom.
All modifications to and interactions with the Learning Block are traced by the Peeristics Core analytics engine to produce creation and consumption histories. This information is used to score relevance and usability across the Learning Block lifespan.